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Tag Archives: weight loss before Christmas

Trim and Slim In Time for Your Christmas Party

Every year, around this time, men and women find themselves questioning their figure. Did you really try to keep active and shed some fat in the past 12 months? Some of you are thinking, yes I sure did! You look and feel better, but you are one more dress size away from achieving your goal. With the help of a detailed diet, exercise regime and tummy tuck procedure you can successfully trim and tighten your belly into that sexy, slim dress for the holidays.

When it comes to toning and weight loss we understand that one size does not fit all. We aim for more results week by week, but at the end of the year the holidays bring on unsurmounting stress, stacks of bills and workloads to the ceiling. Who has time to keep to their exercise program and diet? Well there are simple steps to take to manage both.

Don’t Starve, Fuel Up

Many of us try and starve ourselves or refrain from breakfast or dinner, these are not recommended in any balanced diet. The best solution is to fuel up with healthy meals and moderate food intake.

There are also multiple fat loss foods that help boost metabolism and burn fat, while eliminating toxins. Experiment with some of these fat burners:

  • Greek yogurt

  • Cinnamon

  • Green tea

  • Apples and Berries

  • Coconut oil

  • Eggs

Eggs are filled with protein, good fats and contain less than 80 calories. The Journal of American College of Nutrition reported that people who had eggs for breakfast cut their daily food intake by up to 415 calories. This keeps you fuller longer and have less of a need to snack throughout the day.

Stay Active at the Gym or Home

The end of the year is approaching quickly, so it is time to pump up your workouts. You do not need to spend hours at the gym. The fastest way to blast fat is through high intensity interval training (HIIT). Many routines are available online, and can be done at home in just 20 to 30 minutes. HIIT programs combine plyometrics, strengthening and flexibility. No matter what fitness level the person is in, there are many variations of moves suitable for you.

Trim the Last Bit of Fat

Many of our bodies do not respond too well to diet and exercise, especially if our normal diet consisted of burgers and pizza. However, after committing to an intense training program and diet, the last bit of fat remaining on your belly can be eliminated swiftly with a tummy tuck.

Men and women alike always feel upset when they fail to get toned six-pack abs, well that last layer of flab does not stand a chance with Tampa, Florida’s board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Traci Temmen. When you complement your routine of healthy eating and exercising with a tummy tuck, the stubborn fat sagging from your belly is removed in a single procedure. Many of her clients successfully keep their toned figure with her long-lasting methods of fat removal, now you can too! Schedule your consultation with Traci Temmen and fit into that sexy dress just in time for Christmas.