Category Archives: Brazilian Butt Lift

Am I Too Skinny for a BBL?

As everyone celebrates the beginning of the new year, many people may feel like now is the perfect time to take a step towards getting the body of their dreams! And while living a healthy lifestyle can certainly go a long way, sometimes you need a little bit of extra help to overcome genetics or aging, and finally get the appearance you want. One option that many people are interested in learning more about is the Brazilian Butt Lift, a procedure that sculpts a rounder, more attractive butt using fat transfer performed by a highly skilled board-certified plastic surgeon.

A substantial subset of this population has concerns about being “too skinny” to undergo this procedure, and are worried that they might not have enough body fat available to transfer to the buttocks. In this blog post, I will answer the question “Am I too skinny for a BBL?” and put this worry to rest. The short answer to this question is: Probably not! Generally, even women who are very slim can achieve a safe and stunning result from the Brazilian Butt Lift procedure when performed by a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon like Dr. Traci Temmen. Read on for more information!

The first step of the BBL procedure is to gently remove unwanted fat from the midsection via liposuction. This step serves two purposes: One, to provide a supply of fat for later fat transfer. Two, to eliminate stubborn fat from problem areas, smoothing and slimming the midsection. In the second step of the BBL, the fat that was harvested during liposuction is transferred to the butt and sculpted into the desired shape. Dr. Traci Temmen meets extensively one-on-one with her patients to ensure that each BBL is personalized for each unique patient, resulting in a beautiful, seamless shape that is tailored perfectly for your body.

An advantage of the BBL procedure is that since it uses fat harvested from your own body, the results look and feel very natural – no foreign material is inserted, just your own fat in a different place! Furthermore, very precise volumes of fat can be transferred to different aspects of the buttocks to create the most attractive shape. When working with a thin patient, a small amount – even just a few hundred cc’s – of properly transferred fat can go a long way! Generally, slender women do not desire a really large butt, but are mainly interested in creating a rounder and more voluptuous shape by adding a little bit of volume in just the right places. The BBL procedure is ideal for enhancing gluteal shape by decreasing sagginess, filling in stubborn “hip dips”, and increasing projection through precisely targeted fat transfer. In the rare instance that an extremely thin woman desires a very large butt, this may not be a realistic goal for a BBL due to there simply not being enough fat available to create the desired volume. In these cases, gluteal implants, or combined gluteal implants with a BBL, may be better suited to realizing the patient’s aesthetic desires. However, the vast majority of the time, the round and attractive shape that slim women are looking for does not require a high volume of fat to create, and is very achievable at their normal weight.

Dr. Traci Temmen frequently performs BBLs on thin patients with beautiful results! To see some real examples of patients who chose to have their BBL performed by Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Traci Temmen, please explore the “Before and After” section of this website, and select the “Skinny Brazilian Butt Lift” tab.

If you are interested in seeing if you are a candidate for a Brazilian Butt Lift, or any other cosmetic surgery procedure you are interested in, book a one-on-one consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Traci Temmen, MD: 813-771-6393.

Brazilian Butt Lift Safety

If you follow many plastic surgeons on social media or listen to the news, you will have heard recent safety concerns about the Brazilian butt lift surgery, also known as the BBL.  A Brazilian butt lift generally refers to liposuction of the trunk with transfer of the harvested fat to the buttocks and hips to create a curvier, more voluminous buttocks.  Unfortunately, if not performed correctly by an experienced, board certified plastic surgeon, the fat transfer portion of the Brazilian butt lift can be deadly.  Fat injected deep into the gluteal muscle can inadvertently enter the deep veins of the pelvis.  Once in this large vasculature system, fat globules can cause fat emboli in the lungs and even death.

Many surgeons and patients are now asking then, “Is the BBL safe?”  The answer is yes.  the Brazilian butt lift is a safe surgery if performed by a safe plastic surgeon.    So, what do plastic surgeons do to make the BBL a safe surgery and take the best care of their patients?  Most importantly, fat should not be injected deep into the buttocks and is only transferred into the subcutaneous layer above the gluteus muscles.  Additionally, the fat should be injected with blunt cannulas with constant attention paid to exactly where the injecting instrument is located.  Finally, proper patient positioning, tactile control of the instruments, and transferring the fat under low pressure all ensure optimal patient safety.

Because of this concern over the safety of the Brazilian butt lift surgery (and the fact that the BBL neither originated in Brazil nor actually “lifts” the buttocks), some plastic surgeons have started to refer to this procedure as Safe Subcutaneous Buttock Augmentation, or SSBA.  This name highlights the fact that when performed correctly, with fat transferred only in the subcutaneous layer, this surgery can safely and efficiently augment the buttocks and hips.

Dr. Traci Temmen in Tampa, Florida is just as concerned about her patients’ safety as they are.  She performs each Brazilian butt lift with meticulous attention to detail, safety, and aesthetics.  She monitors everything in the operating room, right down to the thermostat setting, to guarantee her patients the safest, most beautiful result possible.  Dr. Temmen routinely attends plastic surgery conferences where BBL safety is a core topic and stays up to date on the most recent BBL literature to ensure she is at the forefront of this evolving surgery.  If you are interested in a safe Brazilian butt lift, call Dr. Traci Temmen today at 813-771-6393.


Brazilian Butt Lift Surgery vs. Squats

Dr. Traci Temmen, board certified plastic surgeonDr. Traci Temmen is a board-certified plastic surgeon. Today, Dr. Temmen compares the results a woman can expect from a Brazilian butt lift and the gains that can be made from sculpting the posterior with squat exercises.

One of the most common questions I get asked by patients, and the most common comment I see on Instagram or Facebook, is “Can’t I get the same results as a Brazilian butt lift just by doing squats?” Because there is so much confusion over this topic, I’ve decided to clear the air once and for all!

Squat Goals
But first, a little anatomy lesson. The shape of the butt, and for that matter, the entire body, is determined by three different factors: 1) the bony structure, 2) the length/location and bulk of muscle, and most of all 3) the distribution and volume of fat.

A person’s bony structure cannot be changed and is determined by genetics alone. The length and location of muscles cannot be changed; however, muscle bulk can be increased with exercise and/or weight lifting. Fat cells can increase or decrease in size (i.e. volume) depending on a person’s weight, diet, and exercise, but the number and distribution (or rather density) of fat cells does not change after approximately two years of age and is determined by genetics and family history.

This explains why some people, for example, seem to carry all their extra weight in their abdomen or thighs — because of their genetics and family history they have a higher density of fat cells, and thus a higher volume of fat, in their abdomen or thighs. Thus, these areas are the first where they gain weight and the last areas from which they lose weight.

Surgery vs Squats

Unlike a gluteal implant, a BBL looks and feels natural.

Introducing the BBL
A Brazilian butt lift uses liposuction to transfer unwanted fat from your midsection to your behind, shaping it and providing extra volume. The BBL does not alter the bony structure of the buttocks, nor does it affect the length, location, or size of the muscles targeted by doing squats. However, during a Brazilian butt lift, fat is removed via liposuction from areas of high fat cell density/volume (usually the abdomen, flanks, iliac rolls, and back), and transferred to areas of lower fat cell density/volume (in this case, the lateral hips, buttocks, and sometimes upper thighs). Thus, a Brazilian butt lift is able to sculpt a beautiful, curvy shape for those patients where diet and exercise alone cannot.

Related: “When can I start doing squats after BBL?”

A Brazilian butt lift does not alter the bony structure of the buttocks, nor does it affect the length, location, or size of the muscles targeted by doing squats. However, during a Brazilian butt lift, fat is removed via liposuction from areas of high fat cell density/volume (usually the abdomen, flanks, iliac rolls, and back), and transferred to areas of lower fat cell density/volume (in this case, the lateral hips, buttocks, and sometimes upper thighs). Thus, a Brazilian butt lift is able to sculpt a beautiful, curvy shape for those patients where diet and exercise alone cannot.

It may be surprising to some, but those patients interested in a Brazilian butt lift often do more squats, lunges, and “glute” exercises than anyone else. However, because of genetics and family history, these patients’ bodies typically have shorter gluteus maximus muscles and an unfavorable distribution and density of fat, usually in the abdomen, lower back, and “love handles,” that obscures and distorts the true gluteal shape despite rigorous diet and exercise.

The next logical question, then, is why do some men and women who follow a strict diet and exercise regime, and do a lot of squats, have a perfect butt? That’s because through careful diet and exercise, they are able to capitalize on and augment their favorable anatomy. Because of their genetics and family history, these people often have well-placed gluteal muscles and a lower density of fat cells (which then determines volume of fat) in the abdomen, lower back, and flank areas. Thus, their gluteal shape can be seen and admired more readily!!

Advantage: BBL
So, the short answer is: for some unlucky women, due to their genetics and family history, doing squats, having a strict diet and exercise program will unfortunately NOT provide the same results as a Brazilian butt lift. For those patients with a more favorable anatomy and family history, it can! To see if you are a candidate for a Brazilian butt lift, or any other cosmetic surgery procedure you might be curious about, book a one-on-one consultation with Board Certified Plastic Surgeon Traci Temmen, MD: 813-771-6393

Building a Better Behind in Three Curvy Solutions

For years now, celebrities and fitness junkies have been working on making their bodies toned and shaped as ever, these days the biggest asset women want to is an impressive derriere. Whether it is flaunting a curvy butt at the beach or wearing sexy outfits that show a naturally flattering backside, women want to have a lifted and perfectly shaped butt. There are a number of simple solutions women can rely on to get rid of their saggy and flabby behind.

Healthy Diet

As every fitness expert shares with their clients, “A better body starts in the kitchen, not at the gym.” In a way they are right, if you are trying to bulk up pack on an extra meal or two a day. If you want to lose the flab, limit food choices and eliminate processed meals. A proper diet can help build your butt to a better shape. Though dieting does not work overnight, it is the first place to start when you are aiming for well-shaped backside. To start with, follow these simple diet rules:


  • Eliminate fast food

  • Increase water consumption and avoid sweetened drinks

  • Consume healthy carbs (starchy vegetables, whole-grain bread, lean protein)


Physical training is required in order to shape up or slim down, and exercise is just as important as a healthy diet. Why not engage in physically active lifestyle? According to WebMD, physical activity maximizes fat loss as well as prevents and improves health conditions such as heart disease, stroke and obesity. Putting exercise and a healthy diet together can naturally build a toned physique, as well as a better backside.


While most women are against weight training programs, many have successfully achieved a fabulous curvy butt in a few months. With about four training sessions a week and 45 minutes in each session you can resort to these exercises:


  • Barbell Squats

  • Lunges

  • Squat jumps

  • Leg Curls

Brazilian Butt Lift

Sometimes women experience problems with dieting and exercise, fortunately Tampa plastic surgeon, Dr. Traci Temmen is experienced in helping women achieve their goals. She understands that having a lifted and firmer butt comes with hard work and maintenance, but very rarely women’s bodies respond to healthy diet and physical fitness. Even when women find it hard to eliminate those last few pounds from holiday dinners and parties, Dr. Taci Temmen has the solution, the Brazilian butt lift. This procedure is designed to eliminate fat from problem areas on the body and transfer it to the buttocks, it is that simple.


Generally this type of procedure does wonders for women who are within 15 pounds of their target weight, so if a naturally shaped butt and slimmer waistline is what they are after, Brazilian butt lift can achieve it.


Following these three solutions can be just what you need to build the right curves for your physique. If diet and exercise are ineffective and you are near your desired weight, then Dr. Temmen can help you shape your behind with a Brazilian butt lift at Temmen Plastic Surgery.